Find your way with voice navigation and turn-by-turn driving, transit, and walking directions. Quickly type or write it on your desktop, and you can even sync across devices. The more you watch, the better Netflix gets. View, organize, and share photos from your PC, OneDrive, iCloud Photos and other devices all from one fast, beautiful gallery. The newly redesigned and reengineered Photos app is intuitive, elegant, and seamlessly woven into the fabric of Windows 11. Browse new titles or search for your favorites, and stream videos right on your device. Microsoft Photos is a rich media experience that empowers you to do more with your photos and videos.

Be sure to remove activetabpivot:overviewtab from the URL you pasted. Paste the URL in the search field and click the Check icon on the right. If you are a Windows 11 user, you can only download the Teams app for work and school accounts from the Store. Locate the web page of the Windows Store app that you want to download and copy its address.

We add TV shows and movies all the time. If you are a Windows 10 user, you’ll be able to download and access the Teams app for personal or work and school accounts from the Microsoft Store. And with the mobile app, you get Netflix while you travel, commute, or just take a break. Grocery lists, home improvement projects, books to read-use a Sticky Note to help you remember. We’ve got award-winning series, movies, documentaries, and stand-up specials. See what’s newĬoordinate schedules, plan family game night-with the Calendar app 3 you can easily see what’s on the agenda and stay a step ahead. Stay on top of your day with the Mail and Calendar apps. , Gmail, iCloud, and Yahoo!-they're all in one place, making it easy to send messages and schedule appointments with your most important people. Not only does it come with a great set of editing tools, but it also has a smart search function, and convenient ways to share 5 your photos with friends and family. Microsoft Photos has everything you need to keep your digital memories organized.